Doi Chang coffee growing areas, according to my opinion. Part 3

Migratory tribes of Burma.

Majority of the population is the hill tribes such as Hmong tribe, Akha tribes ,Lee hu tribe,etc


Inquiries from older people in the village. Tribes that migrated early is The Hmong And the habitat for more than 100 years ago

Because Thailand and Burma border adjacent
So easy for the lack of migration of the population.

Since the war in Burma.Tribe, a minority living in Burma. Was drafted into the Army to fight in the war and many deaths.Tribes had moved to Doichang Valley which has excellent terrain for farming on the slopes as tribes is skilled. 

 With good geography,good soil from the flow of minerals from high mountain make organic matter,plenty of the natural water resource,cold climate throughout the year this is appropriate for growing the Arabica Coffee